3 Signs That Your Vehicle Needs Engine Repairs

Posted on: 6 April 2023

Your car's engine controls the vehicle's overall functionality and determines how well you enjoy your drives. The engine powers your car, which will affect your vehicle's performance when it's damaged. Therefore, repairing your vehicle's engine when you notice faults is vital.

But how do you know your car needs engine repairs?

Here are a few common signs of a broken car engine.

1. A Lighted Check Engine Light on Your Dashboard

The warning lights on your car's dashboard alert you when your vehicle develops mechanical problems. The On-Board Diagnostics system on your car should detect any issues and light the dashboard warning lights to warn you. When the 'Check Engine Light' on your car turns on, you must take your vehicle to an auto repair shop to check the engine. There's no way to tell which part of the engine is faulty and the extent of the damage without an expert checking it. Ignoring the warning could cost you more in repairs.

Some common causes of a lighted 'Check Engine Light' include the following:

  • A broken oxygen sensor
  • A faulty mass air flow sensor
  • A broken catalytic converter
  • Worn-out spark plugs
  • A loose fuel cap

Your car's engine is its heart, so you should never ignore the 'Check Engine Light'. Contact an engine repair expert to book a diagnostic session for your vehicle and resolve the mechanical problem immediately.

2. Strange Noises When You Drive

When your car's engine functions appropriately, there should be no noise when you drive. Instead, the engine should produce a rhythmical hum depending on your car's make. If your engine stutters, shakes, or loses power when you increase the rev, you need to have it checked by an engine repair expert.

Some causes of a shaky or noisy engine include worn-out spark plugs and ignition coils, low fuel pressure, or a dirty air flow meter. The expert can replace worn-out parts and tune up your engine to restore its functionality.

A highly damaged car engine can also produce loud sounds, which indicate damaged pistons, bearings, or other rotating parts in the engine. Take your car to the mechanic when you notice such sounds to prevent further damage. If you ignore the problems, you risk being stuck with a stalled car on the highway and an expensive engine overhaul. 

3. Unusually High Fuel Consumption and Oil Patches on Your Garage Floor or Driveway

If you've had your vehicle for a while, you know how much fuel it typically consumes. An abnormal spike in fuel consumption indicates a problem in the combustion process. You need an engine repair expert to assess the internal parts of your engine and identify the cause of the combustion issues.

On the other hand, oil patches on your garage or driveway mean your car is leaking engine oil. The lesser oil in your engine, the higher the friction as the parts move, causing an overheated engine with the potential for damage. An engine expert will replace your car's engine oil seals and sump plugs to rectify this problem.
